Kamala Desert Area Rug

from DKK 7,500.00

Pretty and practical - that’s Kamala. A detailed, elegant rhombus pattern in Desert and natural jute tonalities. Kamala is irresistible and down-to-earth with a clear artisanal feel to it.

Let Kamala Area rug bring texture and character to a couch area, or let it work as a durable and distinct rug under your dining table. Always chic and characteristic.

Jute is a durable, flexible and renewable plant fiber. To clean just give it a good shake outdoors or vacuum along the fibers. Jute has an open weave so most dirt will be under the rug and is easily cleaned away.

Designed by Kusiner / Barbara Bendix Becker. Hand-loomed in India by self-employed artisans in Bhadohi, Northern India.

To see Kamala in situ, go to lookbook

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